Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The initiation of ownership.

It begins.

I know I could say a lot of things here as I enter into a new realm of consciousness, which is commensurate with deeply knowing ones identity within oneself, both personally, and in the world. If there is any desire to allow the ritual of entrepreneurship to enter at all, then there must be a true willingness to perform at a level whose tree bears fruit.

As I plan and prepare, it all seems so doable and as if I'm a lot farther along when suddenly...I get an email from someone on my health coaching site, asking for someone to send them their free book.

My Integrative Nutrition program generated an automatic email response to alert me of website traffic, and how to round up leads that I collect on my site. It was incredibly fascinating to hear the tapes at that point that ran in my head, the backdrop tune playing as I sang the words...where is my finished client binder? What will I give these clients to keep them? How do I prepare and utilize these materials while organizing and planning their sessions? When will I have time to plan versus orchestrate the session? How do I close a package deal that offers the client the six month program pack?

In a word, a current of FEAR ran through me. I think for a moment that I was truly scared to give anything at all, and this was probably single-handedly, the piece that was keeping me from having a stable of clients flowing thru my doors.

Also, when we first embark on an adventure, neither do we know where it will take us, nor do we always trust the signs and outcomes we do achieve. For example, I had a busy client schedule for the last two weeks and I found myself to be overwhelmed by the influx of new energies along with what still needed revisioning, and I ended up using the model to design pages and paperwork that had not even been invented...I keep saying I would find a sort of balance but was forced back into pre-production, because too much had been left undone.

And so if I want my initiation and learning phase to be complete in order to allow a pathway of clients to enter, I need to accept my fear as something that will exist in even the most comfortable moments, if I wish to achieve success with a new paradigm.

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