The dealer deals.
The cards are laid...and then the cards are played.
You have to make a careful decision about how far you will go to get to the promised card. No amount of counting or wishful thinking will make time or probability stand still or change. The right play is the right play, for better or for worse.
Blackjack is a thinking man's game. The more he thinks about his move in advance, the better the play may be. But once again, no matter how thought out, the chances of the right card coming up are still in play, on each play, and you are at the mercy of the statistics.
Focusing on each hand dealt and concentrating on sequences is essential to the flow of the game. All players must be in alignment with each other, although each hand won't technically be affected as much as is usually thought. The cards in your hands are yours and you must play them as they are logically meant to be played. Period. Inexperienced or immature players will see the cards you play and pull, and they will think, "that guy has my card." But it won't be truth. Truth is, there are multiple decks and multiple high and low cards equally amongst those numbers. It's best to stay open and see that others' successes could be a huge, shining moment in the future of your plays, especially if everyone is winning at the table and is happy.
Desperation is not allowed. Desperation draws down the energy of the table and keeps wins from seeming as awesome. It's important to have fun when you are placing the stakes on your cash flow. If it's not fun and you're gambling to make a car payment, then you've missed the point of this game.
Repetition, timing and practice is important to the game. If you go to a table without proper education of the sport, you will feel like you are missing an integral part of the game and the reason is because you are.
Pride goes before a fall. If you think you're smarter than everyone else at the table and you walk around with arrogant airs, you usually end up feeling like an ass by the end of it, as you will be losing all your money with the rest of the people at the table who thought they were smarter than you. Now if you are not smart enough to notice this, it is the very reason that hubris was discovered.
And lastly everyone is playing the house. Everyone. No one is immune to house odds. Now knowing the house odds and learning how to work with them is like cooperating with the police department or government. They may pay you off for helping them, and treat you like a king in their witness protection program, but you won't walk out a millionaire, for that is just not to their advantage. Think, if Vegas made millionaires, would Vegas exist? Not for long. It depends on the let's think a little larger, say, governmentally....
Rules are rules. Rules are also meant to be broken. To me, as I learned, watched and also played the game, I realized that the Blackjack table often replicates life. That was the most important element, singlehandedly, that made me think the experience was completely worthwhile.
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